Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Composition Quote.

The following quote was taken from http://www.bluejake.com/quotes.php

"When subject matter is forced to fit into preconceived patterns, there can be no freshness of vision. Following rules of composition can only lead to a tedious repetition of pictorial cliches." --Weston

Sunday, February 22, 2009

They've been 'framed' I tell you...'Framed!!!'

For the first assignment this week we had to take pix of objects, scenes, etc framed. Here ya go peoples...enjoy!!
This is my cat Mercutio-Iago curled up
in me mum's washing machine.

This is my son 'framed' by his high chair.

The Rule of Thirds!! ehem!!

For this weeks assignment I had to take one photo sort of centered. Then...slightly off-centered.
This is the centered **yawn** picture
of my bed and stuffed animals.This is my bed with my tapestry and 3 of my stuffed animals.
Slightly off center and showing a little more than the first. :-)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Just for fun! # 2

I took these photo's just for kicks and giggles outside my apartment building. This mud puddle was a big one that covered one entire part of the driveway outside my apartment building. I thought it looked kinda neat in the afternoon sunlight. These were taken around 1:30 PM.

Puddle in the parking lot outside my apartment. Bubble fun!!
Same puddle. Different angle.
Sun shining and reflecting in that same puddle. Perty!!

Johnny Depp window covering!

Johnny Depp blanket that I use to cover my window in my bedroom. The sunlight shining through it give him this amazing and beautiful look. Yummy!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 3 Assigment...Monochrome Colors!!

This is the second set of photo's for week 3. Monochrome!!!

Fun while making dinner!! Amazing monochrome colors lie in my kitchen. Fun with shades of Orange. Cool!!

More fun in my kitchen!!! Blue!!!
My son's pants. More fun with Blue!!

Week 3 Assignment...Complimentary Colors!!

For week 3 the assignment is colors!! This is my Complimentary colors photo.
These are some of the soft balls from my son's ball pit. I have discovered that my son's toys are a fabulous place to find color photo projects. :-)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 2 Assignment. :-)

This is the Macro Assignment for Digital Photography...week # 2. Enjoy!!

My son's cars. Fun!!! :-)

Time to play...What is that!?!?!?

Can you tell what this is?? Merk and Matt enjoy this.

To quote old school angry Alanis Morrisette...
"I see right throu-oo-oogh you!! Boo!!!

There you have it!! Week 2!! 'Eye' am now ending this Blog!!